Terms and Conditions
Terms of Use:
Cancellation and Refund Policy
The course and the exam cost $8.95 + tax, which is collected through the e-commerce application on the website. The cost of the course and exam is clearly communicated to the customers.
Cancellations and refunds are only given under special circumstances at the discretion of the CEO. Such circumstances could include if the purchase was made in error and the customer has not accessed the course at all.
Privacy, Confidentiality and Security
FoodSafetyTraining.US will safeguard the privacy of certificate candidates and certificate holders and will hold in confidence and in a secure manner the information obtained in the training program.
All data and information obtained in the program is protected on a secure server with restricted access to only approved personnel. The COO determines who has access.
Information about a particular individual will not be disclosed to a third party without the written consent of the certificate candidate or certificate holder, except when mandated by law. Where the law requires information to be disclosed to a third party, the candidate will be notified of the information provided.
FoodSafetyTraining.US staff, vendors, and contractors will sign confidentiality agreements within 10 business days of assuming their responsibilities covering terms of confidentiality. All agreements and contracts will be kept on file by the COO on the secure server.
Conflicts of Interest
FoodSafetyTraining.US staff, vendors, and contractors will sign conflict of interest agreements within 10 business days of assuming their responsibilities. All agreements and contracts will be kept on file by the COO on the secure server.
Security of Assessment
FoodSafetyTraining.US will safeguard the summative exam and answer key during the course of certificate program activities at all levels of the organization. The summative exam and answer key will be kept on file by the COO on the secure server. The COO shall share the exam and answer key with instructional design and psychometrician contractors as required. These contractors must have confidentiality and conflict of interest agreements on file with FoodSafetyTraining.US.
Commercial Support Disclosure
When needed, contractors will be engaged to assist with the design and development of the program. When such contractors are engaged, they must sign an NDA and an agreement. NDA and agreements are kept in an electronic folder by the CEO. The agreements must include the duties and expectations of the contractor. The agreements must also specify the confidentiality policy and guidelines to prevent conflict of interest. Contractors are made aware of and must adhere to the security, confidentiality and privacy policies and protocols.
The CEO is responsible for monitoring the quality of work of all contractors. Contractors shall be formally reviewed at least annually or at the end of the agreement. The CEO will retain documentation of the monitoring in a secure electronic folder. The CEO shall communicate in writing any issues or concerns with contractors. When contractors do not satisfy the agreement, the CEO will terminate the agreement in writing. A breach of the security, confidentiality or privacy policies will result in immediate termination of the contractual agreement.
At this time, Food Safety Training does not receive commercial support. In the event that it does in the future, a disclosure will be displayed on the public-facing website.
Food Safety Training and its staff are committed to equal opportunity for all. The program will not discriminate based on race, age, gender, religion, sexual preference, ethnicity, veteran status, or disability. This policy also applies to the treatment of all employees and employee candidates.
Reports of discrimination are taken very seriously and are the responsibility of the CEO. Any reports of discrimination will be reviewed and resolved by the CEO and the advisory group when needed. If the CEO is engaged in the discrimination complaint, the VP and the advisory group will review and resolve the issue.
The nondiscrimination policy shall be clearly communicated to all stakeholders. The website clearly instructs customers to complete a complaint form to report the issue. Discrimination complaints follow the civil rights violation policy as described in the Complaints and Appeals policy.
Questions and complaints
If you have a question or concern about any collection, use or disclosure of personal information by FoodSafetyTraining.US, or about a request for access to your own personal information, please contact us at info@foodsafetytraining.us.